Paul E. Rowe

Dr. Paul E. Rowe has a doctorate in chemistry from Boston University, and has written many articles related to new energy, light, gravity, aether as a source of energy, hydrogen from the aether, and related subjects.. From 1953 to 1959, he was employed as Senior Chemist by the National Fireworks Company in Hanover, Massachusetts, where he experimented with explosives and propellants. From 1959 to 1980, Dr. Rowe was employed by Emerson & Cuming, Inc. in Caton, Massachusetts, where he was involved in research and development of plastic and ceramic materials for the electronics industry. Since 1981 Dr. Rowe has consulted with various firms on electronics materials and microwave absorbing materials, in addition to continuing his private researches. (1)

Detalied information about Dr. Rowe and his very important research, as well as, abstracts to many of his articles can be found at:                                                                                             


1.   World Science Database, detailed profile of this scientist:

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