United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) - Devices

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The United States Psychotronics Association (USPA) is attempting to identify all psychotronic, radionic, and related devices that have been invented in order to do analysis and evaluation of their function and effectiveness. In addition, the USPA is developing a collection of historical devices, which can be periodically displayed and demonstrated at its annual convention or other events, or displayed in an appropriate museum. So if you happen to know the whereabouts of any of the historical devices mentioned below, please write to the USPA at the email address below.

We have started the list with the oldest instruments first, going all the way back to the oscilloclast, developed by the “father” of radionics, Dr. Albert Abrams in the 1920’s. Devices invented from the 1920s through the 1960s that we know about have been identified, and links are provided  to photos and additional information about these devices and their inventors. However, there are undoubtedly other devices that were developed during that historic period that we do not know about. So if there are any devices you know about that are not shown, or if you have additional information about the devices that are shown, please let us know at the email address below.

In February’s USPA Newsletter, we will focus on the psychotronic and radionic devices developed in the 1970s through the present. We need your help in identifying the many devices that were developed by modern pioneers in this field, such as Peter Kelly, Bruce Copen, and other. Please let us know the model, manufacturer, and time period any such devices were produce in, as well as, the purpose of the device. Write to us at:usparesearch@gmail.com

By clicking on the blue or purple links provided, below, you will be taken to one or more web pages where photos of the device, its inventor, and its use are provided. The devices are arranged by decade of first invention or development:


Albert Abrams Instruments: Albert Abrams (1863-1924) was the “father” of Radionics, and developed several instruments:


Dynomizer (Dynamizer): 

Oscilloclast (Oszilloclast): This is the radionics device for which Abrams is best knowm.  Samuel Hoffman is said to be the co-inventor, but little is known about him.

Phygmobiometer :


Reflexophon (Reflexophone):

1920’s continued

John W. (J.W.) Wigelsworth Instruments.  Dr. John W. (J.W.) Wigelsworth (October 29, 1885 - May 2, 1975), developed several devices, and was a mentor of  T. Galen Hieronymus. These devices were manufactured  by Pathometric Laboratories of Chicago, Illinois, beginning in the 1920’s. Wigelsworth’s last name is frequently misspelled as “Wigglesworth”.





Calbro Magno-Wave Hemodimagnometer (Calbro Magnawave), This instrument was first developed around 1930’s and continued to be manufactured into the 1950’s. It was developed by two engineers, Caldwell and Bronson, as a radionic treatment for a number of medical ailments. It had sections with a "treatment circuit" for diagnosing with specific levels of electricity. It was also used to test samples of radiations in foods, minerals, or vitamins to figure out how the biochemical and electrochemical reactions of patients in order to ascertain their treatment and recovery. The device pictured is in the Bakken Museum Artifact Collection. (1)

Drown Radio Vision Camera (Drown Camera): Improved version of the original HVR instrument, developed by Dr. Ruth B. Drown (1892-1963)

Drown Homo-Vibra Ray (HVR) Instrument: Developed by Dr. Ruth B. Drown

Electro-Metabograph:  This device was developed by Art Tool & Die Co., of Detroit, Michigan in the 1930’s, which produced a variety of models from the middle of the nineteen thirties until 1942, when shortage of electronic parts for civilian use during World War II forced the company to discontinue production. (3)

Hieronymus ElectroBiometer (1930) developed by T. Galen Hieronymus

Hieronymus Analyzer (T. Galen Hieronymus)

Rife Machine: Developed by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife to treat cancer, microbial infections, and other diseases.

Rife Microscope: Developed by Royal Raymond Rife, and was an optical microscope with a much greater power than any optical microscope that has yet been invented;

Rogers White Light Radionic Analyser: Developed by A. Stanley Rogers ( ?? -1959), who had worked with T. G. Hieronymous  in the 1920’s. They had been partners at that time and used radionics devices to explore for oil and prospect for mineral deposits. However, a dispute lead to the dissolution of their partnership, and Roger then developed the White Light Radionic Analyser, which was based on the Calbro-Magnowave Hemodimagnometer. Interestingly, Rogers developed cancer and was a patient of Ruth Drown at one time. (2)


Hieronymus Machine: developed by Dr. Tomas Galen Hieronymus (1895-1988), who received US patent # 2,482,773 for his device in 1949. (Photos of the device)


DeLaWarr Camera(s): developed by George W. De La Warr (1904-1969) in England. UK Patents received: #741,651; #761976; Additional photo and information.

Homeotronic Foundation Devices: Homeotronic Memorial Foundation, Harrisburg, PA, 1950’s

Reich Orgone Accumulator Device: Developed by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. (1897-1957)for the treatment of cancer. In the 1950's, at the behest of the FDA , Reich was imprisoned and his books were burnt.


Priore Machine: developed in the 1960's by French researcher, Dr. Antoine Priore, to cure cancer and other diseases and was remarkably successful;

Russian Sleep Machine also known as the Electrosone or Somniatron Electrosleep Machine: first reported by Arthur C. Clarke in his book, Profiles of the Future; (photo of instrument about half way down the page on this link)






Quantec Device: A quantum healing device developed by Peter Von Buengner

Thync Device: A newly developed device that reduces stress, enhances sleep, enhances motivation and concentration, and affects other emotional states;

Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday, January 24, 2016 03:12:53PM EST by admin.