
-- Government Records

Record Schedules by Agency: The "record scedules" for the disposition of "all" records and files are at the following website, where one can search by agency:


Records Officers for all Govermnet Agencies: http://www.archives.gov/records-mgmt/agency/

Government Reports, Numbering and Coding

Almost all government records and reports have numbers or codes of some kind, the meaning of which are often hard to decipher, and there are dozens of such codes and numbers. For example, the report, "Testing for Extrasensory Perception with  a Machine" by E.F. Dagle and J. Mott-Smith, and produced by the Air Force Cambridge Research Labs, May, 1963 had the number: AD-414809. The AD is used by several government agencies, not just the AFCRL.

To help decipher these codes, a book of value is:

Criss-Cross Directory of NASA "N" Numbers and DOD "AD" numbers, 1962-1978. Chicago, IL: SLA-Aerospace Division, 1984. 449 pages. Apparently it is possible to trace from AD to N; from NASA TT or TN to N, etc. There may be subsequent books that do this for pre-1962 and post-1978 government reports.

Lists of Government Reports, Papers, etc.:

There are several sources that list government reports produced by the various government agencies:




DTIC, Classified; (Check to see if one can access the authors and titles, but not the actual paper or report;)

DTIC, Unclassified:

FBI FOIA Reading Room, The Vault:  https://vault.fbi.gov/

GovInfo.gov: https://www.govinfo.gov/

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Science.gov: https://www.science.gov/

US Government Catalog of Publications (covers all of reports put out by the US Gov. Printing Office, plus other US government reports, but not everything.)

Government Databases:

Privacy Act Issuances Database: 

1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2001, 2013: 


2007, 2009, 2011:


Wikipedia List for various countries:



1. What are the titles of the files that NARA has that are still classified that are from pre-1947 years? They just released 700 classified FBI files on Hitler in 2014. How many other files are there on Hitler still classified, and how many other files on other subjects are still classified from the pre-1947 years?

Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday, October 29, 2023 01:12:35AM EDT by admin.