
Coils of Coils

People: Coils of Coils Researchers, inventors, etc.

Atkinson, Robert G. (Bo) (Maine): 

Captain Loohan: https://loohan.com/coilinfo.htm

Catmagnet: referred to by: https://loohan.com/coilinfo.htm

Croft, Don: ref: https://loohan.com/coilinfo.htm

McGinty, Ryan:  http://www.ryanmcginty.com/orgone/sbbtutorial.htm

Stenulson, Bruce K. http://www.stenulson.net/energy/dblhelix.htm

Wright, James (Jim): ref: https://loohan.com/coilinfo.htm





Ricciarelli, Fabrizio. The Coil’s Secret Keys for the Overunity, 2015, with 5 pages; Available at: Scribd, 


Notes and Observations:

2017-09-27: See you 8.5 sheets for notes on Coils of Coils; Google Search for "coils of coils" >> 40 results; The very first article mentined DNA (as did several others) and said that: "Your DNA is arranged as a coil of coils of coils of coils of coils!" (5 coils)

What if you  had an electromagnet coil wrapped around a second core, wrapped around a third core, etc. and then was turned on? What would happen. And what if your did it 4, 5, 6, etc times? I am sure there would be some kind of unusual effects. All these things, including circuits of various kinds are shapes and forms. I am sure that there is a shape and form, perhaps several, that will have  anti-gravity effects, rejuvenation effects, etc. We just have to find the proper shape and form. 

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday, November 26, 2021 11:32:17PM EST by admin.