
Employment, Jobs, Careers, and Related

Reference  sources:https://www.bls.gov/ooh/

Dictionary of Occupational Titles: by the US Government: https://occupationalinfo.org/

O*Net Online: https://www.onetonline.org/

Occupational Outlook Handbook: by the US government:  https://www.bls.gov/ooh/

North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS), 2017 edition: https://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/sssd/naics/naicsrch?chart=2017

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) System: https://www.osha.gov/pls/imis/sic_manual.html

Websites Listing Job Opening:

Alexa, Top websites for jobs, employment:


USAJobs Web page:  https://www.usajobs.gov/    they only list 2,366 job openings, but that is just one category;

VA Jobs: 

November 1, 2015: NBC News report that there are tens of thousands of job openings in the VA; One in six jobs at the VA are open; 41,000 currently?? Psychologists especially in high demand; Phoenix, AZ, has an extreme shortage; 

VA Jobs Webpage:   http://mycareeratva.va.gov/

Tob Employment Websites:

Indeed.com : Indeed is essentially a meta- search engine for jobs. In one simple search, Indeed gives job seekers free access to millions of employment opportunities from thousands of websites. It includes all the job listings from major job boards, newspapers, associations and company career pages





SimplyHired.com claims to be the world’s largest search engine for jobs, currently indexing         4 million jobMores and counting. The goal for Simply Hired is to help job seekers find their next job in the simplest, most effective way possible.

College, University, and Higher Education Employment Jobs:


International, Overseas Employment, Jobs (Paying)



1. Get that listing of International Job sources that is on the shelf in the corner;

2. Do a google search for: Higher education job:   Academic jobs: 

Largest academic jobs sites:   

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday, March 09, 2019 10:24:55AM EST by admin.