
Social Security Programs of the World and their Benefits

The benefits received by retirees varies from country to country in amout and eligibility. The following are the amounts received by retirees in various countries:

United States: Highest amont one can receive at age 66 retirement: $2,663 per month = $31,956 per year when retiring at the full age. If one waits until 70, and has the maximum paid in amounts, the maximum one can draw is: $3,515.00 per month or $42, 182.00 per year. The average social security benefit is only $1,287.00 per month. (1)


1. Money Magazine article, June 15, 2015: http://time.com/money/3920675/social-security-maximum/

2. World Social Security Programs database: http://www.ssa.gov/policy/docs/progdesc/ssptw/2012-2013/europe/netherlands.html

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday, September 14, 2015 09:09:05AM EDT by admin.