
The Abbey Letter (periodical)

General Description of Periodical: 

Little is known about the Abbey Letter, except that a May 2, 1957, issue exists according to George M. Eberhart. It is believed to have been published by the same people who published The Abbey Bulletin, which included George Hunt Williamson. (1)

1. Eberhart, George M. UFOs and the Extraterrestial Contact Movement: A Bibliography (1986), p.893

Digitization Status of Periodical:

  1. Online Availability of Periodical - URLs:
  2. Digitization Status (Digitized, freely available; Digitized, behind pay wall; Not yet digitized; Digitization planned by: ___):
  3. Permission to Digitize Required (yes/no) and From Whom?:
  4. Permission to Digitize Obtained from:   


Location of Periodical Files and Records:

  1. Publisher and Editor Physical Records, Files, and Correspondence for this Periodical: (Do they exist? Who has possession of them? Where are these records located?): 


Standard Publishing Information about This Periodical:

  1. Title of Periodical:          
  2. Subtitle:      
  3. Title Variations in Spelling, Acronyms, AKA, etc:    
  4. Previous Title: 
  5. Subsequent Title:     
  6. ISSN:   
  7. Organization Sponsor:
  8. Publisher(s) (organization, person) (most recent and former):
  9. Address(es) (most recent street address, and former):  
  10. City of Publication:   
  11. State/Province of Publication:     
  12. Country of Publication:
  13. Telephone:
  14. E-mail address:
  15. Website URL of Periodical (note, if none):
  16. Website URL of Publisher (note, if none):
  17. Founder(s):
  18. Editor(s) (most recent and former):
  19. Other Key People Associated with Periodical (staff editors, designer, etc.)
  20. Current Activity Status (active, inactive, defunct, unknown):
  21. Year of First Issue:
  22. Volume and Number of First Issue of This Title:
  23. Year of Last Issue:
  24. Volume and Number of Last Issue of This Title:
  25. Years of Publication:
  26. Total Number of Issues Published of This Title:
  27. Back Issues Available From:
  28. Libraries That Have This Periodical:
  29. Indexed By Publisher? (yes/no):
  30. Indexes That Covered This Periodical, and Issues Covered:
  31. Subject(s) focused on by this periodical:
  32. WorldCat Subject Heading(s):
  33. Language:
  34. Frequency:
  35. Circulation:
  36. Advertising Accepted? (yes/no):
  37. Number of pages, typically:
  38. Periodical Type (journal, magazine, newsletter, newspaper, etc.)
  39. Publication Format (print, online, both):
  40. Subscription Rate per year:

Notes Relate​d to This Periodical:

Created by ybalbas. Last Modification: Monday, May 19, 2014 09:30:32AM EDT by bibliotheca.