Advanced and New Sciences and Technology Research Center (高新科技研究學系) of the Chinese Medicine, Science, and Culture Division (中華醫學、科學及文化學院) of WISE

Mission of the  Advanced and New Sciences and Technology Research Center (高新科技研究學系): The mission of this Research Center is to develop extraordinary and revolutionary technologies and services that will be of value to China and all of humanity. These technologies would include such things as nanotechnologies and picotechnologies; new enrgy sources such as zero-point energy, and inexpensive water based fuels, and nitrogen based fuels; bionics, robotics, and cyborg technologies; new propulsion devices, psychotronics devices, extraordinary medical treatment devices, and many other such technologies.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday, May 02, 2015 10:48:50PM EDT by admin.