WISE Branches Established at Harvard, Hopkins, and the New Jersey Institute of Technology

By John H. Reed, M.D., MPH, MBA                       (Return to Table of Contents)


The World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE) is happy to announce that WISE Branches have recently  been established at Harvard, Hopkins and the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). These are only the latest WISE Branches that we are establishing at universities and colleges around the world where very innovative and visionary research is being conducted.


The WISE-Harvard Branch is headed by Dr. Shanmugamurthy Lakshmanan, who is a research scientist at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine, one of five Harvard Medical School research centers at the Massachusetts General Hospital. (http://www2.massgeneral.org/wellman/) The Wellman Center for Photomedicine is headed by Dr. Michael Hamblin  (http://www2.massgeneral.org/wellman/faculty-hamblin-pi.htm

whose laboratory is doing very advanced research using Photodynamic therapy (PDT) for treating cancers, microbial infections, and other diseases.


Dr. Hamblin’s  research holds great promise for not only effectively treating cancer without the terrible side effects of standard radiation or chemotherapy. But PDT could also be instrumental in solving the huge medical and public health problems of antibiotic resistant bacteria, and resistance in other kinds of pathogenic microbes. The World Institute for Scientific Exploration is financially supporting Dr. Hamblin’s lab, and we urge all others to go to his website shown above and see all of the exciting research he is conducting at Harvard, and to give generously to his lab to help solve some of the greatest medical and public health problems we face.


The WISE- Hopkins Branch is headed by John H. Reed, M.D., MPH, MBA, who is working with faculty, physicians, and researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health to establish research centers for the study of alternative and traditional medicines in China, India, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and elsewhere. There are hundreds of medicinal plants and other alternative and traditional therapies  that people have used for centuries to treat microbial diseases and many other kinds of diseases and disorders, but for which research has not been adequately done.


By helping to establish  such research centers at Hopkins, and collaborating with other researchers around the world doing similar research, we hope to contribute to the discovery of medications that will help treat some of the major diseases in the world.

Let us remember that the current standard medication for malaria, which kills hundreds of thousands of people around the world each year, was not endorsed by World Health Organization until around the year 2000. This medication is based primarily on the artemisinin plant, which had been used by the Chinese as a traditional treatment for malaria for thousands of years. It is research on plants such as these, as well as, other alternative therapies that the above research centers could do and potentially provide a great service to humanity.


The WISE- New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) Branch is our newest branch and is headed by Dr. Hans Chaudhry. Dr. Chaudhry is a research professor of biomedical engineering and has been at NJIT since 1991 after his retirement as Chair of the department of Applied Science in Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh (India).( http://biomedical.njit.edu/people/chaudhry.php) He has been responsible for bringing together the research faculty at NJIT in the departments of mathematical sciences, biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, chemistry, UMDNJ, Kessler Institute of Rehabilitation, West Orange, and VA Medical Center, East Orange,NJ. Dr. Chaudhry  is also collaborating  with NJIT Research Professor Dr. Reginald Farrow, who is doing very advanced research on bioelectricity, biofuel cells, biosensors, and other advanced research.

Please understand that the WISE Branches at Harvard, Hopkins, and NJIT are not part of these institutions, but are independent branches of the World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE) established by faculty, researchers, and others associated with those institutions.


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