WISE Digital Library: Numerous Digitized Periodicals Added -- Now Largest Library of Its Kind in World

by John H. Reed, M.D., MPH, MBA                       (Return to Table of Contents

The WISE Digital Library is continuing to grow in leaps and bounds, and thirty (30) more digitized journals and other periodicals have recently been added, or links to such periodicals, bringing the total to more than 150 titles. These digitized periodicals cover the fields of scientific anomalies, alternative and traditional medicine therapies, consciousness and parapsychology, alternative energy, historical mysteries, and other unexplained phenomena. As such, the WISE Digital Library is now the largest of its kind in the world. The 30 new titles that have been added include those listed in alphabetical order at the end of this article.


But we have you to thank for making this possible, because it you, our dedicated WISE directors, research scientists and associates who have sent us dozens of digitized periodicals on the above subjects, or links to them. This helps researchers on these subjects worldwide, because few libraries have these periodicals in their hardcopy or online collections, due to the nature of the subject matter. And even fewer of these periodicals are indexed anywhere.


We are adding so many periodicals that in the very near future, we will start adding subject categories so that you can go immediately to all of the periodicals available in the area of your subject interest. We will, however, continue to maintain the alphabetical list of titles so that you can check to see if the periodical you are interested in is available.


If you check for a periodical and find that it is not available on our list, please write to me at: joreed@jhsph.edu and let me know, and tell me if you know where it is available online anywhere. Or if you have physical copies of that periodical, please let us know and we will xerox and/or digitize them for you. But if you have a copier or scanner at home, work, or elsewhere that you can use, you could help the entire world of researchers if you would copy or scan the physical copies you have and send them to us so we can make them freely available to the world.


Thank you again for your help and support of the world’s largest digital library covering scientific anomalies, alternative and traditional medicine therapies, consciousness and parapsychology, alternative energy, historical mysteries, and other unexplained phenomena. The newly added digitized periodical titles include those listed below, and you can access them at the WISE Digital Library, by clicking on this link.


AASC Newsletter and Quarterly

Alchemy Journal

Alternative Medicine Studies


BioMed Reports

Ethnobiology and Conservation

Focus (The Focus)

Future Energy

Hemi-Sync Journal

Integrative Medicine Insights

International Journal of BioSciences, Alternative and Holistic Medicine

Journal of Anomalistics (In German): Zeitschrift für Anomalistik

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine

Journal of Experimental and Integrative Medicine

Journal of Integrative Medicine

Life Extension Magazine

Lucidity Letter

Paranthropology: Journal of Anthropological Approaches to the Paranormal

Phoenix - Journal of Transpersonal Anthropology

Rose Croix Journal

Shift: At the Frontiers of Consciousness

Spatula DD

The "X" Chronicles Newspaper

The Theosophist

TMI Journal

Zeitschrift für Anomalistik (English: Journal of Anomalistics )



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