- Ayurvedic Medicine (Ayurveda)

General Information: (Includes definition, description, history, terminology, subdivisions of subject, and other general information;)

Comprehensive Resource Center on the above Subject:


     Articles: (Includes published articles in periodicals of all kinds that are about or focus on the above subject;) Thousands of articles on Ayurvedic Medicine have been published over the years and continue to be published in the numerous journals and periodicas around the world that focus on Ayurvedic Medicine. 

     Books and Monographs: (Includes all books, pamphlets, reports, unpublished manuscripts, and other monographs that focus on the above subject;) Thousands of books have been published that focus on Ayurvedic Medicine. 

     Dissertations and Theses: (Includes all dissertations and theses that were done in

     partial fulfillment of doctoral, masters, or bachelor academic degrees;)

There are at least 

Periodicals: (Includes journals, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, and other types of periodicals, both currently publishing and defunct,  that focus on the above subject;):

Over 130 different journals and other periodicals have been published over the years that focus on Ayurvedic Medicine. A complete list of all known periodicals focusing on Ayurvedic Medicine is available here. 

Libraries and Archives: (Includes public and private libraries, archives, and collections of printed materials of all kinds focusing on the above subject, including books, periodicals, articles, manuscripts, files, records, personal papers, laboratory notes, diaries, letters, ephemera, and other materials;)

People: (Includes researchers, writers, and other prominent people, both living and deceased, with a major interest in the above subject;)

Lad, Vasant , author of many books and articles on Ayurvedic Medicine

Organizations: (Includes non-profit (NPOs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), both currently operating and defunct, such as associations, societies, clubs, and other such organizations that focus on the above subject;)

World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE), Division of 

Governmental Offices: (Includes international, national/federal, state/provincial, or local governmental organizations, divisions, departments, offices, or other governmental entities that focus on the above subject;)

Columns: (Includes columns that currently appear or have appeared in newspapers or other periodicals, and that focus on the above subject;)

Online Resources: (Includes blogs, wikis, social media, and websites of any kind  that focus on the above subject;)

Audio-Visual Materials: (Includes audio tape recordings, photographs, videos, television programs, documentaries, movies, and other audio-visual materials focusing on the above subject;)

Museums and Private Collectors: (Includes institutions and private collectors with collections of physical artifacts and devices related to the above subject;)

Meetings and Conferences: (Includes meetings, conferences, conventions, congresses, symposia, and related events, both current and past, that focus on the above subject;)

Meeting and Conference Presentations: (Includes oral presentations at meetings, conferences, conventions, congresses, symposia, workshops, and similar events that focus on the above subject;)

Objects, Sites, and Events: (Includes field observations, discoveries, inventions, or created objects, sites, devices, or events related to the above subject;)

Companies and Corporations: (Includes for-profit businesses, companies, and corporations that focus on the above subject;)

Education and Training: (Includes universities, colleges, and post-secondary education and training institutions that provide academic degrees, courses, workshops, or other training that focuses on the above subject;)


Other Notes related to this Subject/Topic:

Created by bibliotheca. Last Modification: Friday, October 09, 2015 12:14:36AM EDT by admin.