2014 WISE Global Conference, Boulder, CO (August): Where Science and Humanity Meet – Paradigm Busters



2014 WISE GLOBAL CONFERENCE: WHERE SCIENCE MEETS HUMANITY                               (Return to Table of Contents)


Reaching out to scientists and private businesses

Part of WISE’s mission is to reach out to the scientific community and private business organizations to create a meeting platform where ideas and visions can not only be shared but put into motion. A platform whereby innovative concepts and ideas can be openly discussed in order to create realistic and valuable applications for society.


A platform to generate collaboration

Too often we find that academia is pursuing research in a specific topic and generating new findings that private companies are also trying to research.  Because there is little communications between the two parties, often-times valuable findings from academia that could be used for useful commercial applications, are left unused. Meanwhile corporations are spending much time and money in R&D efforts looking for innovative concepts when perhaps the concept is lying dormant in an academic lab.


Welcoming like-minded individuals

The 2014 WISE Conference is a venue for professionals to present and discuss their research in areas that are on the edge of science. WISE also encourages the public to attend and have an opportunity to meet the presenters and engage in enlightening conversations with other like-minded individuals.



The main themes will be on innovative energy sources, alternative medicine, and human evolution.


Program & Format

In order to address topics beyond a superficial level, Presenters will have one hour to present and answer questions. Workshops will be included. An afternoon outing will also be organized.


Venue, Call for Papers, Details

The conference will be held in Boulder, Colorado. A special announcement will be made in the next few weeks.



































Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday, August 29, 2013 10:18:19AM EDT by admin.