Computer Skills - How to ---


How to display two PDF documents side-by-side in the same Window: Open each PDF>>go to top tool bar>>Window tabb>>select"Tile">>select Vertically;

How to display two spreadsheets side-by-side in the same window:

How to display two Word documents side-by-side in the same window:

How to copy the names of file folders and files on your hard drive or other storage medium and paste them onto a spreadsheet, Word doc, etc.: 

1. Highlight all of the files in the file folder, by dragging the highlighter, or Control A, if all of the items are files, as if youwere going to copy and paste them; 2. Hold down Shift key as you right click over the highlighted items; A small window appears and click on, " Copy as Path." This copies the whole pathway of all of the files from F:\ all t  he way through to the files you are working on, using a backwar slash \ to separate the file folder levels;                                                                   3.  Open up a blank spreadsheet, widen Comn A to about 4 inches,and paste in the list of files;The file names will have the file pathway from F:\, so you will have to use the "Text to column" procedure to get the name of the actual file into a separate column;                                                                                                                        4. Then count the number of backward slashes  namesin the file, and widen as many columns on the spreadsheet as there are backward slashes;

5.  Using the Text to Column procedure for "Delimited" and the backward slash as the delimiter under "other", separate all of the file pathway names, and the last column with text will be the column with the names of the files;

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday, September 16, 2021 10:39:56AM EDT by admin.