


1a. Help, Facebook Help center: https://www.facebook.com/help/?ref=drop

1b. Main Help page: https://www.facebook.com/help/162866443847527#!/help/ 

(Both of the above lead to the same main help page; Groups, Search, and Locations are all under "Popular Features";)

1b. Emails: How do you send an email to someone?  https://www.facebook.com/help/?ref=drop#!/help/326534794098501/

3a. Interests: How do I find all of the people who are interested in a particular subject, or have a particlar interest, eg picotechnology? 1. Type the term into the main search box of Facebook. A menu of item will appear with the term or phrase, one of which will have the word "Interest" under it, indicating that it is a topic of interest to people. 2. Click on the menu that says "Interest" and it will take you to a page where the term is defined, and to the right of the definition, it will tell how many people "like" that topic, and probably have an interest in it. 3. Click on that link, and it will take you to the list of all the people, even if it is thousands, and each synopsis profile of the person sually, but not always tells the city they live in. You can also sort by city name (but not country) in the filters on the right side. So just select the capital city of each country, or some other large city, and you will usually find someone;

3b. Interests: How do I find all of the people who "like" a certain organization?

1. Search the subject or phrase in the Facebooks searchbox where it says "Search for people, Places, and Things" 2. Select "Find all pages named " name or phrase" 3. To see all the people that like that organization, Do Not Click on the "page"=organization you are interested in; Instead, click on the "# Like this", just below the name of the page. That  will take you to the entire list of people who like that page=org; 4. Selectect any person and their profile pops up; If you want to write to them, just click on the "message" button, and send a message;

4a. Groups/Organizations: How do I find all of the "Groups" related to a particular topic or subject? 1. Do a search on the subject, place, person (eg Tesla), etc. in the main search box; 2. It will give you a list of suggested results, but click on th link on the bottom that says "See more results" and it will take you to a page with subjects headers: People, Pages, Groups, Apps, and Events; 3. To see all the groups associated with that subject, just click on "Groups". But also check the "Pages" link as well, because some non-profit organizations have "Pages" FB pages  rather than "Group" FB pages;

4b. Groups/Organizations: How do I find the description of an organization?

Once you go to the Group's FB page, the description of the group is in the upper right area of the first page of the Group;

4c. Groups/Organizations: How do I create a Facebook page for an Organization? You can only create "Group" FB pages or "Page" FB pages. The former are for groups you want to create within FB as a Facebook group, just as there are Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, etc. FB "pages" are for outside organizations that want a presence on Facebook, with all the advantages that can bring. You could set up a FB Group with the same name as the outside organization, but that would not be wise. Facebooks groups have restrictions that FB pages do not have, so if you want the most latitude, go with FB "Pages" for outside organizations, business, etc.

4d. Groups in General: https://www.facebook.com/help/search/?query=how+to+find+people#!/help/437104639663805

4e. Privacy Options for groups: https://www.facebook.com/help/220336891328465

5a. Personal, How do you tell all of the groups a given person belongs to?

Just go to a person's Facebook page, click on "Timeline"and look for "Groups" under their name way toward the bottom as you scroll down, on the left. Click on the number (eg 12) of the groups they belong to and it will pull up all of them, which you can click on to link to them, or join immediately;

5b. Personal, How do I see all of the person's friends? Look under Timeline for "Friends", the first category, and click on the number.

5c. Personal, How can I tell what all of the interests of a person are, eg nanotechnology? 1. Click on the person and bring up their profile; 2. Click on "Timeline" and it will bring up a whole list of factors related to that person, usually in the following order: Friends, About, Photos, Games, Places, Movies,TV shows, Books, Likes, Events, Groups (that person belongs to), Recent Activity; 3. Click on "Likes" and it will take you to another list of categories, usually in the following order: Restaurants, Websites, Interests, Activities, Other Likes; 4) Click on "Interests" to see that persons main interests; and also check "Other Likes", which will have additional things that person is interested in; Of course, the "Groups" he belongs to will also indicate his interests;

6a. Location: How do I find all of the people,regardless of their interest, who currently live in a certain country, island, city, county, etc., eg. the Bahamas

6b. Location: How do I find all of the people, regardless of their interests, who are orginally from a certain country, island, city, county, etc., but may not be living there any more? eg. Bahamas

7a. Searching: General FAQs and Information: https://www.facebook.com/help/162866443847527#!/help/460711197281324/

8a. Pages: General Information and FAQs on FB Pages: https://www.facebook.com/help/

Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday, November 15, 2015 04:33:49PM EST by admin.