Genius Research and Identification Center of the Human Performance Enhancement Division of WISE

Mission: The misssion of the Genius Research and Identification Center is to study the origins and manifestation of genius in human beings, including child prodigies, savants, late bloomers, and other manifestatiions; to determine the relationship of genius to creativity and other mental characteristics; to develop methods to test and evaluate the various levels and types of genius; and to study the lives and characteristics of historical geniuses.

Living Geniuses Identified:

Garcia, Adam.   8-year pld "crystal grid" maker; North Las Vegas, NV; Quote bio from "About the Author" of Garcia's book, How to Make a Crystal Grid: Step by Step Instruction for 11 Grids, "Twelve year old Adam Garcia, also known as Adam, The Crystal Grid Maker, noticed his connection to the realm of crystals at the tender age of one and one half years. He began to imitate the sounds of frequencies he was hearing from his older sister's rock collection. Adam soon learned which stones helped particular physical ailments, emotional upsets, and energetic imbalances. He began combining different stones to place on people for what he called "rock treatments". His first crystal grid was recorded at the age of seven. It was a masterpiece of sacred geometry and strong, powerful energy. Amazingly, Adam could describe the inner workings of how the energy flowed and how the crystals told him where to place them. By the time he was ten, Adam was building grids and helping people. He had a big idea of creating a World Grid filled with stones from all over the world that would assist in healing the planet. That big idea came true, and Adam collected donations of crystals and stones, 2014 to be exact, to complete the first World Grid. Adam, The Crystal Grid Maker, has been recognized by Doreen Virtue, Spirit Science, Healing Crystals and numerous magazines. He will be featured in the upcoming documentary, Child of Nature. His passion is sharing his love of crystals with other people and helping heal the planet.

Notes, Qotes, and Observations: 

!. JHR: I read somewhere that the Chinese government had a Genius Program, wherebye they conyinually scour the country trying to identify geniuses who can be groomed to help them with their science, medicine, engineering, and technological development; 

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