
New Horizons Research Foundation

The New Horizons Research Foundation (NHRF) was a Canadian non-profit organization founded and funded by Donald Colin (Ben) Webster (1930–1997) “to promote research on the frontiers of science” (New Horizons 1, no. 1 (Summer 1972):  inside cover). 

The organization was based in Toronto, Ontario, where it funded and published the results of psychical research investigations from about 1970 until the mid-1990s.  Until their retirement to Calgary, Alberta, Alan Robert George Owen  (1919–2003) and Iris May (Pepper) Owen  (1916–2009) were the organization’s primary researchers.

Many articles reporting on the Toronto investigations were published in New Horizons: Journal of the New Horizons Research Foundation (1972–1978).  For digital copy, see:  http://www.islandnet.com/~sric/NHJ.php

Later, the Owens authored 40 privately circulated New Horizons occasional papers about anomalous phenomena (1984–1994).  For digital copy, see:  http://www.islandnet.com/~sric/NHRF_papers.php

The Owens’ copies of the New Horizons Journal and occasional papers have been deposited in the University of Manitoba Archives (accession A11–61).



Created by wmeyerzuerpen. Last Modification: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 12:02:11PM EST by wmeyerzuerpen.