Search Operators

Search operators are methods to help you quickly search and find subjects and types of information of interest.

1. PDF Operator and other Filetype Operators: To find all PDFs on a given subject, including PDF books, or to search for a book or article that may be PDFed, use thee following operator

"Subject or title of interest" put any other words here then filetype:pdf or any other file type; Some common file types are: .ppt, .pptx, 

2. Site Operator: This will allow you to find any person term, word on a given website, among its hundreds of files, subfile, etc. example shown for then at least one space, and then the term, word,etc, which may be in quotes; The only part of the URL is the part after the //, and then the .com, .org, etc.; Apparently the terms can also go before the site operator; 

3. Links To Operator: Identifies all websites that have a link from their website to the website you are interested in: For example, to find who is linking to, put "" in the Google search box. But to get only the links that are outside the website of interest, you have to put in ""; So the search will be:

An Alternative "links to" is the operator: links:(URL of home website)

4. Links From Operator: This is a search operator that finds all the links from a given domain name. It is not available by Google, but only by , which give over 65,000 links;

5. In URL Operator: To find a URL that has a particlular word or set of letters or numbers, such as pdf, doc, docx, archive, volume, etc: Example:  inurl:pdf  gives all the PDFs that are available in that domain name; So you could go to Pleyedes and others and ID all the PDFs; And this works, even if the website itself is "forbidden", because Google searches the URLs; Also, The extreme searcher gave this as an example:  

members inurl:aiip , which would search for all URLs with aiip in it and the word members; 

6. Boolean Operators: These vary by search engine: Google uses AND, OR, and the negative sign (-); eg A AND B OR C -D; Yahoo and Bing: A (B OR C) -D or NOT D; 

Search order of Boolean Operators:

Databases follow commands you type in and return results based on those commands. Be aware of the logical order in which words are connected when using Boolean operators: Databases usually recognize AND as the primary operator, and will connect concepts with AND together first.

If you use a combination of AND and OR operators in a search, enclose the words to be "ORed" together in parentheses. Examples: ethics AND (cloning OR reproductive techniques)

(ethic* OR moral*) AND (bioengineering OR cloning)

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday, January 28, 2016 05:49:02PM EST by admin.