World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE)

The World Institute for Scientific Exploration (WISE) is a unique international research and development organization, with branches in countries worldwide. To see the many benefits and compensation available as a member of WISE, click here.

Mission of WISE

The primary mission of the WISE is to conduct, lead, and promote groundbreaking research and investigations worldwide in the biomedical sciences, natural sciences, and social sciences fields, by investigating scientific anomalies, alternative energy and fuels, alternative and traditional medicine therapies, alternative scientific hypotheses and speculations, and legends in science, technology, history, and other fields. By doing so, WISE seeks to lead the way to help explain the many mysteries, unanswered questions, and unexplained phenomena  and events of all kinds that have been observed and reported in these fields, and to provide a global platform whereby such research can be published and made freely available to the world.

Secondly, based on research and investigatory findings, WISE’s mission is to promote the development of extraordinary services, technologies, and products that will benefit people worldwide, and help solve the major problems faced by people, government agencies, businesses, and other organizations and institutions that serve society and, thereby, improve the quality and enjoyment of life for everyone.

Thirdly, where possible and appropriate, WISE seeks to promote entrepreneurship worldwide to bring these extraordinary services and technologies to market through startup companies, angel investor capital, venture capital (VC), and other technology transfer methods, so that such extraordinary services, technologies, and products will be available and useful to people everywhere.

Vision of WISE

The vision of WISE is to be one of the preeminent research and investigatory institutes in the world: 1) doing research on and investigating scientific anomalies, alternative energy and fuels, complementary, alternative, and traditional medicine therapies, alternative scientific hypotheses; medical, scientific, and historical legends, and unexplained phenomena of all kinds; 2) promoting the development of breakthrough, extraordinary services and technologies; 3) promoting entrepreneurship to bring those services and products to market.

We seek to be an activist scientific organization, leading and pushing the boundaries of research and the innovative, pioneering development of extraordinary services and technologies worldwide to help solve the major problems of humanity.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday, March 07, 2013 01:47:03PM EST by admin.